Good Morning Sayings

Good morning sunday quotes

Sunday 3 April 2016  at 20:35
One day I will have so much money in the bank that every day will be like Sunday. I will have more than enough and will never have to see a day without rest.
~ Jacklyn France

Can you imagine life without having a day like Sunday? It would be like an axe which keeps cutting but never sharpens itself. We need to sharpen ourselves each week. ~ Myron Goodman

Eating together at one table with the family, hanging out with friends out in the open and going for mass to worship God. That is what my Sunday is all about.
~ Manor Snipe

All those other days
drain me and pain me but Sunday is refreshment. It simply is a day to eat rest and enjoy my self.
~ Caleb Morley

Hold on tight and don't give up hope or get overburdened with work. Sunday is on its way to rescue you from those week days.
~ DuPont Joint

Sunday is a time when you sit back and reflect on all the blessings that you have received. Smile at all the good things that you are enjoying.
~ Sera Train

Don’t let anyone or anything take away the day of rest from you for petty reasons. Hold your peace and rest and let it be good for you.
~ Bill Mossy

A good refreshment clears all tensions and stress away. Sunday works similarly and takes away all the pain and toil of the week.
~ Anna Walrus

Sunday brings along memories of childhood when I used to wake up to go to church. Then when I would return home there would be something special for breakfast. I miss those days.
~ Quincy Latte

After all not all days were created equally. When you look back at it, you are actually working hard for a single day  - Sunday for the rest of the 5 days of the week.
~ Shawn Kyley

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