Good Morning Sayings

Good vibes quotes

Monday 12 October 2015  at 20:36
I know that today I am going to succeed and the opportunities that I receive are going to be converted. I am surrounded by good vibes and good things are about to happen.

~ Good Vibes Quotes

I have made up my mind to think right and keep myself focused on all that is good. Every person that I meet will receive a good vibe and a sweet smile from me.
~ Jill Olson
I know that my creator, my God loves me and created me for a good purpose. I am going out with happiness to attain my destiny.
~ Jodie Pierce

My journey has begun
and the direction is upwards. I am shooting for the stars and will come back with a shine like never before. I am blessed beyond measure.
~ Judy Rune

Not just an ordinary person, I am full of good vibes. I bring goodness into my life and success is all around me. On my way to some amazing things today.
~ Samantha Pete

You need to surround yourself with beautiful people who bring out the best in you. You need people who lift you up with kind words and good vibes.
~ William Sean

Focusing on all that is good in life, I am counting my blessings and bringing happiness in my heart. That is a sure way to begin my day with good vibes.
~ Sophia Omar

People are going to love me and situations are changing in my favor. I only need to stay on the high road with gentleness, kindness and a positive attitude.
~ Madison Lou

There may be some disappointments but I am not paying any attention to them. It is like water off a ducks back or smoke which disappears. I am here for happiness and that is what will stay in my heart.
~ Carlin Moe

I have my goals in front of me and my aim is higher than before. Good vibes are encouraging me and I am set for good results. This is my day!
~ Hal Summers

Don't underestimate the power of disciplined thinking. One good thought could transform the way your life goes ahead. One good day can change your life forever.
~ Leah White

There are chances, opportunities and power all around you. You only need to identify and seize the opportunity. Your happiness is in your hands.
~ Edward Berry

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