Good Morning Sayings

How much money does this quotes website make?

Monday 9 March 2015  at 16:34
Instead of sending quotes this week, I was inspired to be honest about how much money I make with this and other websites through online ads. First, let me tell you how many people visit this website.

This website alone has reached more than:
1 Million views  | 900,000 people | 85k+ Facebook Fans

I feel humbled to say that I've managed to help a lot of people. I know that from the
comments and emails I have received on:

1. This website and others (Over 300 comments. Take a look at some of the most commented posts herehere and here.)
2. Our Facebook page and (85+ thousand fans with thousands of happy comments)

Who am I?

My name is Wolston Lobo and I currently work full time in social media marketing. This website is one of my side projects which has helped me make money via Google ads and keep myself and others motivated.

This website

Though I created this site over 2 years ago to spread motivating quotes, I was inspired recently to be honest about how much money I make with the help of this and other sites.

All this time, I used to motivate you with Good Morning Quotes. Today I hope by being honest about the money I make, I can motivate you to inspire others. I will not only show you how much money I make but also how you can create you very own website and make money with ads. But most importantly be able to inspire others. So finally!

How much money did I make and how can you do exactly what I did?

1.Take a look at how much money I have made over the months by clicking here
2. Learn how you can inspire thousands of people like I did by making a simple website step by step without any coding experience in less than 30 minutes by clicking here.

Ah! I've finally been able to be transparent and more than that I hope I've inspired you.

If there is anything you find hard to understand you can comment and let me know and I'll reply back as soon as I see it.

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