Good Morning Sayings

Quotes About Gods Love

Monday 6 April 2015  at 19:55
Everyday is a gift from you that I cherish with a happy heart. So many wonderful people and sites to see. You have provided me with a home, food and everything I need. Thank you Lord.

I will never forget all the blessings you have showered on me. Each day you wake me up into this world you created. Someday I hope to enter eternity and live in heaven with you forever in your love.

God has equipped you with the right talents and
opportunities. He has the right people lined up in your life. All you need to do is look at the world with love just like he does.

Sometimes I don't understand why I must go through the suffering and pain. But in the end I know that it is all for my own good. Thank you Lord for your grace and loving kindness.

Gods goodness and kindness goes far above what we can ask or think of. He know exactly what we need and when we need it the most. Trust in his love and let his plans come to true in your life.

There are times when I feel down and like nothing is going my way, then I look up to you and say a little prayer. I know that you are always around hearing me. In you I find peace and love.

Sometimes I get hooked to gadgets, pleasures and worldly things to only realize that none of them can really satisfy me. You alone are my strength and my world, the one who blessed me with life and family. I will always love you with all my heart.

Those who trust in Gods love find themselves much more happier and content. When they are faced with difficulties or troubles he is always there for them to help them with his love.

Look at all the wonderful things God has blessed you with. Friends who care for you and loved ones who are there for you. He has given you all that you need, all you have to do is stay thankful in his love.

Next page: God is good Quotes

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