Good Morning Sayings

10 Morning Quotes that will motivate you

Wednesday 10 June 2015  at 07:03
Every morning breathe in optimism and energy. Today can be the day where you will reach your destiny. Believe in your potential and welcome this day.

Morning brings us sunlight not to just
wake us up from sleep, but to wake us up from the situation we are stuck in. Every new day is a motivation to focus again on reaching our goals.

Nature teaches us lessons that we need to understand. After rain there is a rainbow, after night there is day and if we stay motivated and don’t give up after failure there will be success.

The date, month and year change with every passing day and so should your memories. Do not get stuck with the failures of the past. Be aware that your future depends on your today.

It’s good to dream and the sky is the limit. But what can get you your goals is a motivated mind and hard work. Focus on that today, it will be a sure step in building your future.

Take a look at the motivation the sun offers It rises up shining brightly each day dispelling the darkness of the night. When your heart is filled with enthusiasm, the shadows in your life will fade away and you will grow closer to your goals.

Do not regret over your past, it has just made you wiser. We gain experience with each day and we should channelize it to build a future we dream of.

A bad attitude can ruin a perfectly awesome day. That is why it’s important to remain positive and
motivated, no matter how you feel. With a motivated mind you will always see what you have rather
than focusing on what you don’t.

Do not spend your day worrying about the people who are not there in your life. Live in such a way that everyone will notice if you are absent in their lives.

A new day brings in new strength and new hope. Many people want a second chance at life. A new day brings in just that to those who are wise enough to realize it.

A special thanks to by Patricia D'souza for writing these quotes.

Next page: Inspire yourself quotes

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